Thursday, September 11, 2008

When I Grow Up I Want to Be...??

I have been trying to figure things out lately...what do I want to do with my life? What do I want to be? It is so hard to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. The only thing that I am positive that I want to do is be a mother. I can't wait to be a mom...But until that time comes I need to DO something! haha. I envy those who know what they want to "be when they grow up" since they were 6 years old and end up being that!
When I was little I went from wanting to be a model/actress to a lawyer to a writer to a photographer to a women's ministry director to now I don't know...haha. I want to be all these things, why do I have to chose just one??

I am applying to BSU for the spring semester. So, maybe I will figure out what direction to take my life soon. :)


Dionna said...

Angela, sometimes we get caught so much in trying to "Do" things that we simply forget to "be." Make sure that it is God's plan for you to go to school.... and ask Him to clearly show you how He wants you to spend your time right now.

Alisha Beverly said...

I'll be praying for you! I totally understand where you are coming from.

Angela said...

Thanks, I appreciate the support and advice.

Shannon said...

That's exactly how I have been Ang. Aunt Terri always wanted to be a teacher, went to school, and has been teaching in the same classroom ever since. Me . . . I don't have a drive like that. Grandma said that I always wanted to be a mom too - that was pretty much it. It's a very important job. As I always say - follow your passion God has given you and the rest will follow. Love you.