Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Updates, Trips, Jobs and Cupcakes

Things have been pretty busy around here. We have had multiple family members come and stay with us this past week. Garrett's mom came up for a weekend and then my mom and brothers came a few days after that.
It is always nice to spend time with family and we had a fun time. Here is a few pics of my family on our hike up Moscow Mountain:

Garrett and I are going to have another busy week because we are leaving tonight for a week long trip to see my dad's side of the family in Colorado. It is my grandparent's 50th anniversary and they are having a big party for it. It will be so much fun to spend time with them and get a break from hectic life here in Moscow. :)
I will definitely be posting pics of our trip when I get back.
I have been applying to SO many jobs that I can't keep track of what I applied to and what I didn't! And finally I have a job interview! This trip is sort of in the way, but luckily they were very willing to wait for me to return! I am just praying and praying that I will get this job. It is at a pediatric dentist office here in Moscow as a receptionist. I think I would just love it! So, prayers for that would be greatly appreciated...my interview is August 12th @ 10 AM.
I would also appreciate prayers for a safe trip to Colorado as we are driving and it is a 13 hour drive from Boise.
On a lighter note, I am starting to have a new dream/goal in my life (besides being a mom, growing my business June Tree Designs, and serving in a women's ministry)....it is to own my own cupcake bakery! I don't know how serious about it I am, but I like the thought and have been making cupcakes like crazy! Here are the pics of my two favorites that I have made so far:

Red Velvet Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes
Fun stuff. :)
Well, that is it for now...and I won't take so long in between posts next time! :)

1 comment:

Dionna said...

Yes, you have had some visitors haven't you? Sorry it hasn't been us! :(

Let me know when you get home safely and I'm praying about the job interview.