Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A New Life

I don't have a lot of time to write these days or get online. Ah.
I am full of so many different emotions; joy, love, awe, fear, and just plain exhaustion!
Most of the time I don't know what I am doing, but am just trying to trust in God.
Caden is so amazing. He is the most precious boy to me and so beautiful. I love him so much that i can't handle it.
Garrett is the best dad ever. I couldn't imagine how amazing he would be at fatherhood. It makes me love him so much more.
Caden is one week old today and we are starting to get the hang of things...I think. :)
I don't know when I will be able to write again, but until then here are just a couple of pictures to hold you over :)


Jeff and Lauren said...

Glad you posted these great pictures!

Jen said...

he is absolutely beautiful!!! isn't it amazing how much they change your world?

Angela said...

I know...I knew that my life would be different, but nothing could have prepared me for it. :)
It is the best change ever, though! :)