On top of all the sickness, a couple of days before Christmas we found out that Garrett's job is having to cut his work hours back from 40 a week to 28. That is not enough to support our family.
So, I am emotionally drained right now. I am trying to trust God, but I must say that doubt has been creeping into my mind. I want to lay it all at His feet and just praise Him through it, but all I can seem to focus on right now is my stress and worry.
With New Year's Eve being tomorrow, I thought it would help bring my heart back to the right place if I made a list of the blessings from this last year. 2012 has definitely been a year of hills and valleys, but through the bad God always brought some good.
1. Of course, the best blessing I received this year was my daughter, Avery! She has been a little firecracker and makes our life a little more exciting and interesting. :) She always knows how to make me laugh and is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I can't believe that January 23rd she will be a year old! Can't wait to see her grow and develop this next year!
2. God providing us a job a week after Garrett was let go from his previous job. An answer to prayer!
3. Bringing us to a church body where we have really plugged in and have reconnected with old friends and made a lot of new friends.
4. Getting back into a community group and women's Bible study this year have been a big encouragement to me.
5. Taking Caden trick or treating for the first time was something I will always remember.
6. Celebrating Avery's first Christmas and Caden loving EVERYTHING this Christmas season.
7. Some other little things are seeing Caden and Avery grow closer together, getting numerous date nights with Garrett, and seeing Caden grow so much with his separation anxiety- he now loves to play with friends and go to his Sunday school class!
We have been so blessed this year and every year. No matter what our circumstances I can truly say that God has been so good to me.